Course descriptions in school catalogs and the Course Search are correct at the time of publication. See myUTH for more recent course information and to register for courses.
CLRS 5003 Advanced Epidemiology (4 Credits)
In this problem-based course, each student is expected to build a clinical research proposal in his/her field of interest. Each week, students are asked to present the appropriate parts of their protocols to facilitate the discussion of successive stages in study design. This course is run in small group sessions (6-14 students per group) to facilitate active participation and interaction.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor (1.5 credit hours) Letter Graded
CLRS 5010 Advanced Biostatistics for Clin Investig (4 Credits)
This course will focus on the mechanics of applying biostatistical techniques in a research setting. Emphasis will be placed on assumption testing and techniques of model fitting. Students will be expected to critically evaluate, develop, and execute analysis plans using descriptive analysis and regression techniques.
Prerequisite: Biostatistics for Clinical Investigators or consent of instructor (4 credit hours) Letter Graded
CLRS 5015 Using Rsrch to Infrm Hlth Cre Polcy&Prac (4 Credits)
In this course, the students apply rules of evidence and health services research to clinical practice, practice guidelines, and health care policy. Decision analysis and methods for quantifying benefit, risk, and cost will be used to evaluate health care interventions at the individual patient and population levels. This critical appraisal will be used to launch discussions of mechanisms to bridge the gap between clinical research evidence and health services delivery and health policy.
Prerequisite: Literature Appraisal or consent of instructor (4 credit hours) Letter Graded
CLRS 5017 Advanced Clinical Research Design (4 Credits)
his course will build on design concepts for observational and interventional studies that were introduced in the prerequisite courses. Topics will include the use of matching and restriction to minimize bias in observational studies, consideration of analytic strategies (e.g., correlated samples, use of propensity scores) in study design, survey research methods, the relationship between quality improvement and clinical research, adaptive randomization, alternatives for consent for research, factorial designs, cluster randomization, using patient values to select important study outcomes, weighing benefits and harms, approaches to stopping rules, and enhancing the feasibility of clinical trials.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Epidemiology Research, Clinical Trial Design, or consent of instructor.
(4 credit hours) Letter Graded
CLRS 5020 Economic Evaluations in Clinical Research (4 Credits)
This course will provide an in-depth exposure to the different economic evaluation methods used to assess the value of health care interventions and programs. Participants will learn how to critique and interpret economic evaluation studies and apply it in their own research projects. The course will also provide an introduction to research involving research networks, registry, and administrative data with a hands-on introduction to publicly available datasets that the students will have the opportunity to use in preparation for their required research proposal. A working knowledge of the principles of epidemiology, literature appraisal, and study design is required.
Prerequisite: Biostatistics for Clinical Investigators or consent of instructor
(4 credit hours) Letter Graded
CLRS 5099 Individual Study (1-6 Credits)
Individual Study Letter Graded
CLRS 9994 Institutional Review Board Practicum (1 Credit)
Institutional Review Board Practicum Letter Graded
CLRS 9996 Scientific Writing Practicum (1 Credit)
Scientific Writing Practicum Letter Graded
CLRS 9997 Scientific Presentation Practicum (1 Credit)
Scientific Presentation Practicum Letter Graded
CLRS 9998 Clinical Research Thesis (1-6 Credits)
Clinical Research Thesis Letter Graded