Tuition and Fees


Tuition and fees are subject to change and become effective on the date enacted. The Texas Legislature does not set the specific amount for any particular student fee. Student fees are authorized by state statute; the specific fee amounts and the determination to increase fees are made by the university administration and The University of Texas System Board of Regents.

Under Texas law, UTHealth Houston may charge a resident doctoral student who has in excess of 100 semester credit hours the non-resident tuition rate.

Tuition for Fall and Spring Semesters

For 2024-2025, Resident tuition is $248 per semester credit hour; Non-resident tuition is $658 per semester credit hour.

To maintain full-time student status, a student must register for at least 9 credit hours of GSBS coursework in both consecutive Fall and Spring semesters.

Tuition for Summer Sessions

For 2024-2025, Resident tuition is $248 per semester credit hour; Non-resident tuition is $658 per semester credit hour. If students register for additional courses during the second summer term, tuition and fees will be automatically adjusted.

To maintain full-time student status, a student must register for at least 6 credit hours of GSBS coursework in the Summer semester.

Fees and Charges

Please refer to the Bursar's Office website for the current Tuition and Fees Schedules here.

Fees and Charges

  • Audit Course Fee $25.00/course
  • Graduation Fee1 $150.00
  • Student Health Insurance2 $3,438.00
  • Information Technology Access Fee (Semester) $42.00
  • Medical Evacuation/Repatriation (Annual - international students only) $96.00
  • Medical Liability Insurance (Annual - genetic counseling students only) $14.50
  • Medical Liability Insurance (Annual - MD/PhD students only) $25.00

A graduation fee of $150 payable at registration for the final academic term is required of all students. This fee does not include regalia rental.


Health insurance is required of all UTHealth Houston students. If students have a health insurance policy (including the insurance provided to GSBS Graduate Research Assistants), GSBS encourages students to submit proof of comparable insurance to Auxiliary Enterprises prior to the start of the semester. Details on the insurance plan are available through the Auxiliary Enterprises Office.

Financial Support

PhD and MD/PhD Students

Students are supported by a graduate research assistantship (GRA) which includes 

  • A stipend of $36,000 per annum;
  • Payment of the student’s GSBS tuition and required fees; and
  • Health insurance

MS in Biomedical Sciences

It is the expectation of the GSBS that students be supported by a GRA after officially affiliating with an advisor. The GRA includes:

  • A stipend of $28,000-36,000 per annum;
  • Payment of the student’s GSBS tuition and required fees; and
  • Health insurance

MS in Biomedical Sciences students may waive the GRA and may pursue outside employment. If a student is employed in the laboratory in which the student is also performing MS thesis work, experiments performed and data generated in the normal work associated with that employment may not be included in the MS thesis.

Specialized MS in Medical Physics

GSBS assistantships normally are not awarded to students although support for a GRA may be available from individual faculty members or from the program. GRA support may include one or any combination of the following:

  • A stipend of $18,000-36,000 per annum;
  • Payment of the student’s GSBS tuition and required fees; and
  • Health insurance

Specialized MS in Genetic Counseling

GSBS assistantships normally are not awarded although financial aid may be available. For more information, see Other Financial Support section below.

Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA)

Graduate Research Assistantships awarded to GSBS students are intended to assist in meeting educational and living costs so that students devote full time to their studies. It is the expectation of the GSBS that PhD, MD/PhD, and MS in Biomedical Sciences students holding a GRA will not undertake outside activities, including employment of any kind. An exception to this policy will be made for internships that can be justified as contributing to the student’s training. All internships (paid or unpaid) must be approved by the GSBS Dean’s office.

Funding of the GRA is contingent upon continued enrollment, maintaining good academic standing, and satisfactory progress towards degree completion.

No PhD, MD/PhD, or MS in Biomedical Sciences student may hold more than one training position at a time. That is, students who hold the GRA training position during their tenure as graduate students, may not hold other training positions (e.g., post-doctoral fellow) concurrently with the GRA position.

External Fellowships and Combined Awards

Students who are awarded an approved, competitive, external Fellowship are eligible, at their advisor’s discretion, to be supplemented up to 130% of the standard GSBS GRA stipend level. To qualify, the fellowship must be made explicitly under the student’s name and must contain stipend support.

Other Financial Support

All degree students may be eligible for the many endowed scholarships and fellowships that are administered by the Dean’s Office. The scholarships and fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis by the GSBS Student Scholarship Committee using criteria specific to each award. Factors taken into consideration include the student’s academic performance, research progress, and faculty recommendations. Applications are solicited from students twice a year using a common application. The GSBS also provides travel awards to help students defray the costs of attending scientific meetings. Further information may be obtained from the GSBS website or the GSBS Office of Academic Affairs.

The GSBS maintains a list of active institutional training grants and can assist students in preparing applications for external fellowships and awards.

In addition to the types of financial aid mentioned above, other sources of support are available through UTHealth Houston's Office of Student Financial Services.