Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are subject to change and become effective on the date enacted. The Texas Legislature does not set the specific amount for any particular student fee. Student fees are authorized by state statute; the specific fee amounts and the determination to increase fees are made by the university administration and The University of Texas System Board of Regents.

Please refer to the Bursar's Office for the current Tuition and Fee Schedules for all UTSD programs.

Required Fees
UTHealth Houston has required fees that apply to all students across all schools. UTSD has required school-specific fees. These required fees are listed on the Bursar’s website under Student Resources Tuition and Fees here.  For required fees that apply to All UTHealth Houston Schools, Dental Hygiene and the Advanced Education Programs click here.  For DDS tuition and required fees information please click here.

Graduation Fee: A graduation fee of $150 is required for all dental students, DDS students are assessed this fee in their 4th year.  All other dental students are assessed this fee when they apply for graduation. This fee does not include regalia rental.

Professional Liability Insurance Fee: The estimated fee is $25 annually for DDS students. Other UTSD programs should go to the required fee schedules for the cost of liability insurance.

Student Services Fee: The Student Services Fee, required of all students, is $558.81 per year. The fee supports student health services, shuttle services, student governance, and recreation facilities. For a full breakdown of this fee, you can go to the Bursar’s website here.

Financial Aid

UTSD has limited loan and scholarship funds.  These funds may be available based on proven financial need and/or academic excellence.  Students can find more information regarding financial aid along with financial aid application forms under the Office of Student Financial Services.

For information on Cost of Attendance (COA) and other financial information please refer to the UTHealth Houston Student Financial Services website. The COA is an estimated cost of a student’s educational and living expenses for the period of enrollment.  It includes tuition, fees, books/supplies, room and board, and other expenses.

Student Health Insurance Program

The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System mandates health insurance for all students enrolled in the UT System health components. As such, each UTHealth student who cannot provide evidence of coverage under another approved plan will be enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) with Academic Health Plans and assessed a health insurance fee. For more information regarding Student Health Insurance you can go to the Registrar’s website here and  Auxiliary Enterprises Student Insurance website here.