DDS Elective Spring (DBEC)

Course descriptions in school catalogs and the Course Search are correct at the time of publication. See myUTH for more recent course information and to register for courses.

DBEC 5111  Dental Insurance Management in Private Practice  (0.5 Credits)  
This elective will serve to provide students a foundation of managing dental insurance as they enter private practice as either an associate dentist or practice owner. Accurate and ethical coding and billing will be emphasized. A working knowledge of dental insurance will also allow students to accurately evaluate the financial implications of plan participation. Objectives: 1. Understand the organization and utilization of CDT procedure codes and be able to determine proper coding and billing protocols for treatment commonly provided in general practice. 2. Compare and contrast the types of dental insurance plans, the various levels of provider status available and financial considerations of joining as a contracted provider. 3. Navigate the electronic life-cycle of a dental insurance claim from its creation in the practice management software to its payment by direct deposit. Method of Instruction: Seminar Evaluation: Project completion and attendance Pass/Fail