DDS Preclinical Fall (DEPF)

Course descriptions in school catalogs and the Course Search are correct at the time of publication. See myUTH for more recent course information and to register for courses.

DEPF 1602  Dental Anatomy Lab I  (1 Credit)  
In this lab course, students will have the opportunity to learn the psychomotor skills and develop the judgment required to restore teeth. Dental inlay wax will be manipulated to restore missing tooth structure to prepared teeth, so that the restored teeth meet morphological and functional requirements. Students will learn to evaluate a wax-up in four aspects: marginal integrity, surface finish, anatomic form, and occlusal relationship. Students will have the opportunity to learn how the Whip Mix Articulator functions and how to set the anterior guide table to match the anterior guidance of models mounted on the articulator. Students should acquire basic concepts of dynamic and static occlusal relationships, and learn how to apply these concepts in the fabrication and evaluation of restorations. 0-100 (DENT) Begin 2001D
DEPF 2614  Operative Dentistry II Simulation  (4 Credits)  
This course prepares students to transfer knowledge and skills pertaining to operative dentistry procedures (silver amalgam restorations, composite resin restorations and current bonding systems, techniques) from the dentaforms on the laboratory bench to the clinical setting on a patient. Students perform the operative dentistry procedures on dentaforms mounted in the Kavo heads utilizing direct and indirect vision to simulate clinical operative dentistry procedures. Students learn how to position the head, their chairs, and hand positions for handpiece and instrument use enabling students to perform operative restorative procedures within the Kavo head simulating the restricted working area of the oral cavity on an actual patient. Students are also introduced to advanced composite resin restorations and the techniques and fabrication procedures involved in their application. Students will have the opportunity to learn the correct technique for use of a current bonding system and become knowledgeable regarding the rationale of effective bonding. 0-100 (DENT) Begin 2001D
DEPF 2912  Indirect Single Unit Restoration  (2.5 Credits)  
In this course students are introduced to the disciplines of biomaterials, operative dentistry and fixed prosthodontics. The course addresses the terminology, materials, techniques, and basic principles involved with prosthodontic diagnostic procedures, tooth preparations (inlays, onlays, full gold, and metal-ceramic) impression making and master cast fabrication, interim restoration, waxing and occlusion, and the fabrication of cast restorations using the lost wax process. Students learn how to fabricated castings for try in and cementation. 0-100 (DENT) Begin 2001D
DEPF 2913  Removable Prosthodontics I  (2 Credits)  
This course introduces the student to the basic principles of removable prosthodontics. The course will address the treatment of patients requiring complete denture (CD) therapy. The course will present concepts of complete dentures, work authorizations for their production in the dental laboratory. 0-100 (DENT) Begin 2001D
DEPF 3673  Advanced Restorative & Esthetics  (2 Credits)  
This is a preclinical course presented in the simulation center to expose students to current techniques and materials in esthetic dentistry and restorative dentistry. This course equips students with the skills to properly diagnose, treatment plan and perform a variety of advanced restorative procedures with appropriate materials in context of comprehensive care. This course will present new developments, innovative techniques and scientific evidence related to restorative and esthetic dentistry as they become available. 0-100 (DENT) Begin 2001D