Student Governance

Student Governance

UTHealth Houston authorizes the existence of a student government body that has the jurisdictions and powers delegated to it by The University of Texas System Board of Regents. The UTHealth Houston Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOOP) Policy 54, Student Government recognizes the Student InterCouncil (SIC) as the University’s student government association as the recognized forum for student opinion.

The Student InterCouncil is comprised of three representatives from each UTHealth Houston school, three representatives from international student constituencies, and three member-at-large representatives who add to the mission of representing all UTHealth Houston students.

The SIC contributes to the quality of student life at the university by participating in the development and implementation of policies and procedures affecting students, providing funds to support special projects of registered student organizations at UTHealth Houston, representing student interests on external and internal committees, providing feedback to university leadership in areas of tuition and fees, student development and student life at UTHealth Houston. The SIC also strives to promote communication between all UTHealth Houston schools and university administration in order to facilitate inter-personal and intra-professional development for students. The SIC also publishes an online newsletter, Student Pulse, to improve communication between the students across all UTHealth Houston schools in sharing the planning and implementing activities that address the special needs of students.

Learn more about the Student InterCouncil and their activities on their website.

Student Organizations

UTHealth Houston encourages its students, faculty, and staff to develop collegial relationships; and has established specific policies that govern organizations formed by those affiliated with the university. Student Organizations at UTHealth Houston actively participate in and contribute to a vibrant university community.

UTHealth Houston requires all student organizations to register annually with the university. Pursuant to policy, membership in UTHealth Houston registered student organizations is limited to only students, faculty and/or staff at UTHealth Houston. The HOOP Policy 110, Student Organizations also notes that student organizations may not suggest or imply that the organization is acting with the authority or as an agency of UTHealth Houston or UT System.

Students can also access the Student Organization Manual-Guidelines and Procedures, which provides students with easy access to important information for student leaders, advisors, and student affairs personnel. The information in the manual will assist students in creating new student organizations and understanding the requirements for maintaining an organization at UTHealth Houston, including annual registration.

Students should contact their respective school’s Office of Student Affairs for application instructions for new student organization registration and/or student organization annual renewal. The manual, instructions, online applications and a listing of registered student organizations can be found on the UTHealth Houston Student Organizations website.