Tuition and Fees Information

Tuition and fees are subject to change and become effective on the date enacted. The Texas Legislature does not set the specific amount for any particular student fee. Student fees are authorized by state statute; the specific fee amounts and the determination to increase fees are made by the university administration and The University of Texas System Board of Regents.

Pursuant to the Texas Education Code, a portion of the designated tuition is set aside for capital renewal, deferred maintenance, and bond retirement for the construction of new buildings.

Please refer to the Bursar's Office for the current Tuition and Fee Schedules for all UTHealth Houston schools.

Required Fees

Students at all UTHealth Houston schools are assessed the following required fees if applicable. UTHealth Houston schools also have school specific required fees, course, lab and program fees.  All required fees, both UTHealth Houston and school specific fees, can be found on the Bursar's Office website under Required Fees.  Course/Program and Lab fees are found here.

  • Audit Fee: $25 per course (when applicable)
  • Credit Card Use Fee: currently at 2.5%
  • Graduation Fee: $150.00 (MD and DDS students are assessed in their 4th year. All other students in academic programs across all schools are assessed when they apply for graduation.)
  • Information Technology Access Fee: $42/semester or $126/year for DDS and MD programs
  • International Student Services Fee: $50/semester (applies to international students only)
  • Installment Use Fee: $20
  • Late Registration Fee: $25
  • Medical Services Counseling Fee: $55/semester (This fee helps support the UTHealth Houston Student Counseling Services.)
  • Return Check/E-Check Fee: $25/per check
  • Reinstatement Fee: $200 (Fee assessed to students who have not paid 50% of current term’s tuition and fees by midnight on the 12th day of class. Unpaid students will be dropped from access to their class schedules and the Learning Management System/Canvas until such time that the assessed reinstatement fee and tuition and fees due are paid for reinstatement. Students will not be reinstated if fees and tuition have not been paid by the 20th class day of the term (fall/spring) or 15th class day of summer term.)
  • Student ID Replacement Fee: $10/per ID Badge
  • Student Records Fee: $5/semester or $15/year for DDS and MD programs
  • Student Services Fee: $558.81/per 12 month (full time student rate) The Student Services Fee supports student governance, student health, shuttle services and the recreation facilities at UTHealth Houston. 
  • University Enrollment Processing Fee: $50 (admit term only)

For additional student information please visit the Office of the Registrar website here.  Information regarding Veteran’s education benefits, DOD/VA tuition assistance, forms for exceptions/waivers and other general information helpful to students are located on this website. 

Student Health Insurance

The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System mandates health insurance for all students enrolled in the UT System health components. As such, each UTHealth student who cannot provide evidence of coverage under another approved plan will be enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) with Academic HealthPlans and assessed a health insurance fee. 

Before registering for classes each term, every student must complete the health insurance certification process through his/her myUTH account. Through this process, students either provide information about their own coverage or confirm their participation in Academic HealthPlans. For students who attest to coverage under another approved plan, the health insurance fee will not be assessed to their student account.

Information regarding student health insurance can be found on the Registrar's website and on the website of Auxiliary Enterprises under Student Insurance.