Tuition and Fees Payment Policy

Payment of tuition and fees is due no later than the payment due date. Due dates are listed on the charges tab of the student “myUTH” account or are available on the Bursar’s website here.

Students must pay 50% of tuition and fees before the 12th day of the term for fall and spring and before the 4th day of the term for summer or their enrollment will be cancelled for that term. Students whose registration is cancelled because of non-payment or issuing an insufficient funds check will be charged a $200 Reinstatement Fee if they are reinstated by the School’s Dean. Students who are dropped and reinstated must bring their accounts current by the 20th day of the term for fall/spring and by the 15th day of the term for summer. No students will be reinstated after the 20th day of the term for fall/spring or after the 15th day of the term for summer.

A return check fee of $25 will be assessed for each returned check (including “e-checks”).

Students who have fees billed to a sponsor are financially responsible for any charges determined to be uncollectable by the Bursar Office. Furthermore, extended delays in collection of receivables from sponsors will require the student to make the uncollected payment. Student payments will be refunded upon receipt of payment from the sponsor.

Payment of tuition and fees may be paid in full or in installments for the fall, spring and summer 12 week semester. A nonrefundable Installment Use Fee of $20 will be assessed for the use of the installment plan. A $50 Late Payment Fee will be assessed if the initial payment is late; a $50 charge will be assessed for each subsequent delinquent installment payment.

Certain fees, such as health insurance, liability insurance and the installment use fee must be paid in full at the initial payment and may not be paid in installments. Check with the Bursar’s Office for more information on fees and payments here.

A student, who fails to provide full payment of tuition and fees, including late fees assessed by the university, when such payments are due, is subject to one or more of the following actions:

  • Prohibited from registration in future terms until full payment is made;
  • Withholding of degree and/or official transcript; (debt for return of federal funds will not result in withholding transcripts)
  • Denial of credit for the work done during the relevant semester or pay period; and
  • Subject to all penalties and action authorized by the law.

For more information regarding tuition and fee payment, installment plans and payment methods please contact:

Bursar’s Office
UTHealth Houston
University Center Tower
7000 Fannin, Suite 2240
Houston, TX 77030
Phone: 713-500-3088