Patient Care (APC)

Course descriptions in school catalogs and the Course Search are correct at the time of publication. See myUTH for more recent course information and to register for courses.

APC 4000  APC/Inpatient Memorial Hermann Hospital  
Students will deepen their knowledge of inpatient Family Medicine by providing direct patient care to hospitalized patients on the family medicine teaching service. Working with residents and faculty, students will learn about the diagnosis and management of common problems such as chest pain; myocardial infarction; cardiac, hepatic and/or renal failure; diabetes; metastatic cancer; pneumonia, sepsis, and other infectious diseases; COPD; HIV; and GI bleeding. Students will have the unique opportunity to spend 1 of the 4 weeks working with the night residents. This will increase the student's exposure to and experience with new hospital admission and performing acute care. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4010  APC/Medicine Acting Internship  
The Department of Internal Medicine offers senior students the opportunity to act as interns on the teaching services in Internal Medicine. The rotation provides an opportunity for the senior student to make the transition from student to intern in medicine. It is designed to give the student a high degree of responsibility for patient care. The acting intern will share equal status with the medical interns on the service in all respects. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4013  APC/Internal Medicine - Pediatrics  
The Department of Internal Medicine offers senior students the opportunity to act as interns on the teaching service in Internal Medicine- Pediatrics. The rotation provides an opportunity for the senior student to make the transition from student to intern in medicine. It is designed to give the student a high degree of responsibility for patient care. The acting intern will share equal status with the medical interns on the service in all respects. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4014  APC/Internal Medicine - Geriatrics  
The Department of Internal Medicine offers senior students the opportunity to act as interns on the teaching service in the Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine Division. The rotation provides an opportunity for the senior student to make the transition from student to intern in medicine. It is designed to give the student a high degree of responsibility for patient care. The acting intern will serve as a medical intern on the service. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4020  APC/Pediatric Neurology  
The Department of Internal Medicine offers senior students the opportunity to act as interns on the teaching service in the Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine Division. The rotation provides an opportunity for the senior student to make the transition from student to intern in medicine. It is designed to give the student a high degree of responsibility for patient care. The acting intern will serve as a medical intern on the service. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4021  APC/Neurology/Stroke  
The Department of Neurology and Stroke Institute offer senior students the opportunity to act as interns on the inpatient Stroke Service. The rotation provides an opportunity for the senior student to make the transition from student to intern on the Stroke Service. It is designed to give the student a high degree of responsibility for patient care. The acting intern will share equal status with the Neurology interns on the service in all respects. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4030  APC/High Risk Obstetrics/Maternal Fetal  
Pathophysiology of common obstetric disorders such as preterm labor, preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus, etc. Maternal and fetal pathophysiology will be covered. Fetal respiratory and cardiovascular physiology as it relates to interpretation of fetal heart rate monitoring and biophysical profile assessment skills. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4032  APC/Obstetrics Inpatient Precept  
Basic diagnoses and management of routine and high-risk obstetrical problems. Evaluation of patients in the emergency room referred to our service for consultation. Ambulatory care will include seeing patients in the OB Emergency Department, and weekly clinic. The student will be assigned to work with a team of residents and faculty. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4033  APC Gynecology-Oncology Inpatient/Memorial Hermann Hospital  
This elective will provide an in-depth introduction to the basic principles of complex benign gynecology and gynecologic oncology. Participants will become familiar with multiple treatment modalities of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery by direct participation in patient care.. Unique opportunities at UT include working with a small patient centered team with 5 attendings on an inpatient service, ambulatory clinic, and surgical team. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4040  APC/Inpatient Pediatrics  
General pediatrics Inpatient pediatrics Specific focus on the disease processes of hospitalized patients Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4042  APC/Neonatal Intensive Care III Nursery  
The student will achieve improved understanding of the physiology of the perinatal period including the process of normal transition from intrauterine life and physiology of disorders inherent in disruption of this normal transition. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4052  APC/Adult Inpatient Psychiatry  
Faculty and staff on this rotation consist of two full-time psychiatrist and two full-time master social workers. Patients served by these units are either voluntarily admitted or involuntarily committed to the UTHealth Houston Harris County Psychiatric Hospital (UT-HCPC). The ages of patients served are 18 through geriatric age, with broad diversity. The average length of stay is 7 days. Diagnoses seen include psychotic, mood, anxiety, substance abuse, personality and cognitive disorders. Many patients have been dually diagnosed with substance abuse disorders and other primary psychiatric disorders. Some patients have intellectual developmental disorders or autism spectrum disorders. Treatment provided by the team includes psychiatric assessment, psychopharmacologic interventions, and psychotherapeutic treatment. Students spend approximately 30-40 hours weekly on the service, including 6-8 hours daily for rounds, documentation and case supervision. Students spend their time in medical and psychiatric evaluation, attendance at multidisciplinary team treatment planning meetings and rounds, in observation of program/administrative activities on the unit. Students will carry 4-5 cases at a time. Students will see their own patients daily, but will round with the team to be aware of all the cases on the unit. Case assignments are monitored by the unit attending physician to achieve a balanced clinical learning experience with the patients in regard to the age, sex, and diagnostic categories of the patients. Ongoing supervision is provided on a daily basis by the attending physician during rounds and treatment planning meetings. In the final week of the rotation, the student will give a formal patient case presentation with literature review during the resident case conference at UT-HCPC. The presentation will be approximately 20 minutes in length and will be attended by approximately 30 medical students, residents and faculty. Supervising faculty will provide close support in the development and presentation of the case. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4060  Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery MHH  
Conduct and management of a cardiothoracic and vascular surgical service to include ambulatory care, inpatient work, consultation, and operating room. Clinical problems pertinent to preparation for internship in surgery. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4061  APC/General Surgery MHH Moody Service  
Conduct and management of an elective general surgical service to include ambulatory care, inpatient work, consultation, and operating room. Clinical problems pertinent to preparation for internship in surgery. Will also receive exposure to minimally invasive and bariatric surgery. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4062  APC/Inpatient General Surgery LBJ  
Conduct and management of a general surgical service to include ambulatory care, inpatient work, consultation, and operating room. Clinical problems pertinent to preparation for internship in surgery. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4064  Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery  
Basic skills in evaluating and resuscitating injured patients; pre-operative care; post-operative care in the SIMU and on the wards. Also included are basic skills in evaluated, treating, operating and post-op care of acute General Surgery patients. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4065  APC/General Surgery Dudrick Service  
Conduct and management of a general surgical service to include ambulatory care, inpatient work, consultation, and operating room. Clinical problems pertinent to preparation for internship in surgery. Will also receive exposure to minimally invasive surgery. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4066  APC/Trauma Surgery  
Conduct and management of a trauma surgical service to include ambulatory care, inpatient work, consultation, and operating room. Clinical problems pertinent to preparation for internship in surgery. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4070  APC/Neurosurgery  
The Department of Neurosurgery offers senior students the opportunity to act as interns on the Neurosurgery teaching services. Students will work one-on-one with faculty and will be exposed to the continuity of care for neurosurgical patients including seeing patient's pre-op, in the operating room, post-op, and in the outpatient clinic for follow-up care. This selective provides an opportunity for students to transition from student to intern in neurosurgery and is designed to give the student a high degree of responsibility for patient care. Students will function as an intern and will be evaluated at the level of an intern. Students will rotate through the vascular, spine, and tumor services. Specific objectives are as follows: Develop a thorough assessment of a patient's problems including the development of an appropriate differential diagnosis Take and document appropriately focused histories on patients Perform relevant physical examinations Follow assigned patients daily including writing a daily progress note Coordinate patient care with physician consultant teams and hospital services Arrange discharge plans including providing appropriate patient education and follow-up Assist with the creation of discharge summaries Students will function at the level of an acting intern on the service. Students will be responsible as the primary caregiver for their patients, discussing each of their patients with the senior resident and the attending on a daily basis during rounds. Students are required to attend the following conferences: Neurosurgery M&M, Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, Neuro-Radiology Conference, and the Neurosurgery Curriculum Conference. Students will take call with the team. Students will demonstrate attainment of the above objectives through attendance and participation in didactic conferences and attendance at clinical assignments and participation in clinical activities. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4080  APC/Urology  
Exposure to the entire spectrum Urology. This includes a wide variety of general urology problems, urologic oncology, stone disease, neurogenic bladder disease, voiding dysfunction, incontinence, genitourinary injury, reconstructive urology, gender affirmation surgery and transgender care, erectile dysfunction and pediatric urology. Students will be involved in the operative, inpatient, and ambulatory care of urology patients. By the end of this elective, the student should be able to: 1. Describe urologic anatomy and physiology 2. Complete work ups for common urologic issues such as microscopic hematuria, voiding dysfunction, and stone disease. 3. Discuss the basic principles of the evaluation and management of common urologic malignancies, such as prostate cancer, kidney cancer, and bladder cancer 4. Discuss the basic pre-and post-operative management of urologic cancers, voiding dysfunction, and stone disease 5. Identify risk factors associated with and screening recommendations for urologic malignancies 6. Learn the basics of reading and interpreting urologic publications 7. Basic Knowledge of Urologic Radiology Students may be involved with call and will schedule with the resident team. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4090  APC/Orthopaedic Surgery  
This selective will allow students to function as an acting intern in orthopedic surgery. Students will take orthopaedic histories and conduct appropriate physical examinations of the extremities and spine. This APC should be considered by students applying to an Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program. By the end of this selective, the student should be able to: Summarize and interpret results of the history, physical examination, lab and imaging tests to form a differential diagnosis Develop treatment plans that include common therapeutic options Write complete and accurate daily progress notes including interpretation of clinical, laboratory, and radiographic findings Manage common inpatient orthopaedic conditions Perform basic procedures including reduction of fractures, application of casting and splints, insertion of skeletal traction pins, joint arthrocentesis, and basic suturing of lacerations Assist with basic orthopedic surgeries including long bone intramedullary nailings, eg. Tibia and femur, open reduction internal fixation of periarticular fractures, open reduction internal fixation of pelvic and acetabular fractures, open reduction and internal fixation of long bone injuries, management of common pediatric fractures, incision and drainage of septic arthritis, irrigation and debridement/wound vac application of open fractures and soft tissue defects Students will attend clinical activities as determined by the resident team and will take call every fourth night. Students will attend didactic conferences with the resident team and the weekly fracture review (every Wednesday night from 5-7 pm). Students will meet with the APC director (Dr. Warner) every Monday night from 4-6 pm for case review. Students will demonstrate attainment of the above objectives through attendance and participation in didactic conferences and attendance at clinical assignments and participation in clinical activities. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4100  Plastic Surgery  
This selective is intended to be chosen by those students who are truly interested in pursuing Plastic Surgery as a career goal. This selective will allow students to function as an acting intern in plastic surgery. Students should enter this rotation with a thorough knowledge of the pertinent anatomy, proficiency in the implementation of the reconstructive ladder and a working knowledge of the permutations of grafts and flap surgery. Students enrolling in this elective should have a functional knowledge of the basics in all areas of Plastic Surgery including, Cosmetic Surgery of the face and body, to include body contouring surgery, Oncologic Plastic Surgery and specifically breast reconstruction surgery, Hand and Microsurgery, Facial Trauma, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Acute burn and burn reconstruction and the reconstruction of other traumatic injuries. During APC 4100, the student will be considered an active member of the surgical team and will work one-on-one with the Plastic Surgery Fellows and Staff. This will be a mentoring type relationship: The student will be expected to function independently with very close monitoring and appropriate guidance from the Fellows and Staff. As an active member of the team, the student will be counted on to participate in all aspects of patient care including; daily inpatient rounds, seeing patients in the outpatient clinics and daily participation in operative cases. By the end of this selective, the student should be able to: Summarize and interpret results of the history, physical examination, lab and imaging tests to form a differential diagnosis Develop treatment plans that include common therapeutic options Write complete and accurate daily progress notes including interpretation of clinical, laboratory, and radiographic findings Manage common plastic surgery conditions Assist with basic plastic surgeries including craniofacial surgery; including craniosynostosis, cleft lip and cleft palate; hand surgery: including nerve compression syndromes, Flexor tendon injuries, extensor tendon injuries and microsurgical replantation of digits; and facial trauma: including frontal sinus fractures, orbital fractures, mid-face fractures, and mandibular fractures. Students will attend all didactic conferences (Thursday mornings from 6 am-9 am). Call is required and the student will take call every third night with the fellow. Students will demonstrate attainment of the above objectives through attendance and participation in didactic conferences and attendance at clinical assignments and participation in clinical activities. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4111  Hospital Medicine  
This APC exposes fourth year medical students to the variety of patients that a hospitalist can render care to in a high acuity tertiary center. It will cover inpatient and outpatient preoperative risk assessment, hospitalist perioperative management of neuro and ortho trauma patients. Inpatient management of cirrhotic patients and medical co-management as a consultant on patients at our acute rehabilitation center who are post spinal cord injury, stroke and traumatic brain injury. Skills Acquired: At the end of the rotation the student should be able to: perform a preoperative risk assessment for a patient that will be having a non-cardiac surgery as well as learn how to medically optimize patient perioperatively (on ambulatory and inpatients) identify potential sequelae of spinal cord injury and recognize potential emergencies that can occur in spinal cord injury patients. recognize signs or symptoms of potential solid organ pathology in a trauma patient. be familiar with long term complications of cirrhosis and understand the management of several urgent medical conditions than occur in cirrhotic patients understand and manage sequalae of CNS trauma (TBI and SCI) With these experiences, the student will be well equipped to not only pursue a future career in hospital medicine should they choose to do so but they will also learn a great deal to enhance their medical knowledge in whatever other field of medicine they choose to pursue. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4120  Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery  
This selective will allow students to function as an acting intern in clinical otolaryngology. Students will take Otolaryngologic histories and conduct appropriate physical examinations of the head, neck and body. This APC should be considered by students who have an interest in clinical otolaryngology. By the end of this selective, the student should be able to: Summarize and interpret results of the history, physical examination, lab and imaging tests to form a differential diagnosis Develop treatment plans that include common therapeutic options Write complete and accurate daily progress notes including interpretation of clinical, laboratory, and radiographic findings Manage common inpatient conditions related to the head and neck Perform basic procedures including suturing of lacerations, flexible laryngoscopy, tracheostomy tube management, dressing changes, endotracheal tube management, and ear cleaning Students will be able to first-assist during otolaryngological surgeries including major head and neck cancer surgeries, airway surgeries (including endoscopy), ear surgeries, sinus surgeries and microvascular reconstructive surgeries. Effectively and professionally present an Otolaryngology case at departmental grand rounds Students will attend clinical activities as determined by the resident team and will take call every fourth night. Students will attend all educational conferences including trauma conference. Students will meet with the APC director (Dr. Roy) each week for a review of the case log. Students will demonstrate attainment of the above objectives through attendance and participation in didactic conferences and completion of clinical assignments and participation in clinical activities. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4130  General Neurology Inpatient Services  
The Department of Neurology offers fourth year medical students the opportunity to act as interns on the inpatient General Neurology service at Memorial Hermann Hospital. This rotation provides an opportunity for the fourth year medical student to make the transition from student to intern on the General Neurology inpatient service. It is designed to give the student a high degree of responsibility for patient care. The acting intern will share equal status with the Neurology interns on the service in all respects. Fail Thru Honors(MED)
APC 4140  Pathology  
This APC is intended to serve as a rigorous rotation in which students can get an in-depth look into pathology and develop skills that will allow them to excel in future pathology residency programs. The goals of the APC are: To provide a strong foundation in pathology training for students intending to apply for pathology residency. To assist students applying for pathology residency by allowing them more interaction with department faculty and signaling to residency programs that they are serious about their interest in pathology. Students will meet with the course director on the first day to review/develop their Individualized Learning Plan for the rotation. Students will take call as follows: Paired with an upper-level resident for 1 week of AP call and 1 week of CP call. At-home call: the student is expected to stay late or return to the hospital for patient care needs (frozen sections, exchange/apheresis procedures, peripheral smear review). Fail Thru Honors(MED)