Academic Standards, Policies, and Procedures

General Information

Academic and Student Affairs

It is the responsibility of the Dean of the Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston, or the designated representative, to administer all rules governing academic and student affairs. The Dean, in consultation with school faculty, may dismiss a student pursuant to university and school policy; the Dean may decline readmission to any student, subject to applicable law.

Academic Common Market

The Cizik School of Nursing Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Degree Program has been approved through the Southern Regional Education Board for the Academic Common Market (ACM). The ACM is an interstate agreement among southern states for sharing uncommon academic programs. Participating states arrange for their residents who qualify for admission to enroll in specific programs in other states on an in-state tuition basis. The ACM is available only to states that are members of the Southern Regional Educational Board. Non-Texas residents who are accepted to the MSN Program and who are eligible to be considered for in-state tuition through the ACM must contact the Office of the Registrar to receive information on the procedure for applying through the ACM for in-state tuition.

Classification of Students (Full-time and Part-time)

A full-time undergraduate student is one who is enrolled for at least twelve semester hours during the Fall and Spring semesters. A full-time graduate student is one who is enrolled for at least nine semester hours during the Fall and Spring semesters. For summer session, a full-time undergraduate student is one who is enrolled for at least nine semester credit hours for the whole summer session. For summer session, a full-time graduate student is one who is enrolled in at least six hours for the whole summer session. A part-time student is one who is enrolled for fewer hours than the stated requirement for full-time status.

Grading System

The grading system in the Cizik School of Nursing is based on a letter grade system. In computing grade point average per hour, the following scores are used: A = 4 points; B = 3 points; C = 2 points; D = 1 point; and WF/F = 0 points. The mechanisms for determining grades and course requirements are described in each course syllabus.

Undergraduate Grade Grading Scale

  • 90 – 100 = A
  • 80 – 89 = B
  • 75 – 79 = C
  • 69 – 74 = D
  • 0 - 68 = F

Graduate (MSN, MSN Completion, DNP, PhD) Grading Scale

  • 90 – 100 = A
  • 80 – 89 = B
  • 70 – 79 = C
  • 60 – 69 = D
  • 59 - Below = F

A few courses are designated as “Pass” or “Fail”. P (Pass) is not computed as part of the GPA. Fail
counts as an “F.”
Refer to program policies (U3670 [BSN], G5670 [MSN], D8105 [BSN-DNP], D8040 [DNP], and D7610 [PhD]for details and/or see Policy section of catalog.

The Semester Hour

In accordance with UTHealth Houston HOOP Policy 136, Semester Credit Hour Determination, found online at

  • BSN Students – One (1) semester hour of credit is given for three (3) clock hours per week of clinical/laboratory experience, one (1) clock hour per week of lecture, or two (2) clock hours per week of seminar experience per 15-week semester.
  • MSN Students - One (1) semester hour of credit is given for four (4) clock hours per week of clinical experience, one (1) clock hour per week of lecture, or two (2) clock hours per week of seminar per 15-week semester.
  • DNP (including Post-Graduate Completion) Students - One (1) semester hour of credit is given for four (4) clock hours per week of clinical experience, one (1) clock hour per week of lecture, or two (2) clock hours per week of seminar per 15-week semester.
  • PhD Students - One (1) semester hour of credit is given for four (4) clock hours per week of clinical experience, one (1) clock hour per week of lecture, or two (2) clock hours per week of seminar per 15-week semester.

Time Limit

  • BSN degree must be completed within three years.
  • Master’s degree must be completed within five.
  • Post-Graduate completion program within three years.
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice degree must be completed within five years.
  • Doctorate of Philosophy in Nursing degree must be completed within ten years, effective Fall 2022. That includes post-Masters entry and post BSN entry.

Dean’s List Honors

Undergraduate students earning Dean’s List Honors are recognized as having achieved a level of academic excellence by earning a minimum term grade point average of 3.5 while enrolled in more than four hours during that term.

Deferred Admission 

Deferment is not available for any Cizik of School Nursing programs. If a student wants to defer admission, that student will need to reapply for a future term.


Grade reports are available to students at the end of each semester through myUTH.

Academic Probation

  • For Undergraduate students, if at the end of any semester a student’s cumulative credit hour grade point average for courses taken in the Cizik School of Nursing falls below 2.0, or there is a grade below “C” on the record for that semester, the student will be placed on academic probation. Students shall be notified that they are on academic probation.
  • For Graduate students, if at the end of any term, a student’s cumulative grade point average for the hours taken in the Cizik School of Nursing falls below 3.0 and/or there is a grade below “B” on the record for that term, she/ he will be notified and placed on academic probation.

Removal from Academic probation

  • Undergraduate students who are on academic probation will be removed from such probation at the conclusion of the term in which they have achieved an overall 2.0 grade point average, with no grade below a “C” for that term.
  • Graduate students who are on academic probation will be removed from such probation at the conclusion of the term when they have achieved an overall 3.0 grade point average, with no grade below a “B” for that term.

Attendance at another institution while on Academic Probation

Students who leave the Cizik School of Nursing while on probation and are readmitted to the Cizik School of Nursing will be readmitted to the school on academic probation, even if they have attended another institution between leaving and reentering the Cizik School of Nursing.

Grade Grievance Procedure (School Policy #S1660)

In attempting to resolve any student grievance regarding grades or evaluations, it is the obligation of the student to first make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the faculty member with whom the grievance originated. Individual faculty members retain primary responsibility for assigning grades and evaluations. The faculty member’s judgment is final unless compelling evidence suggests discrimination, differential treatment, or error. Students wishing to submit a grievance must follow the procedure outlined in School Policy #S1660.

If the evidence warrants appeal, the student must submit a request in writing within five (5) business days of the first day of the following term, with supporting evidence to the appropriate Department Chairperson. The Chairperson, upon receipt of the request, will review the case and submit a written recommendation to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. If the conflict is with the Department Chairperson, the grievance will be submitted to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.

The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs will review the Department Chairperson’s recommendation and may request a meeting with the student. After meeting with the student, the Vice Dean will review all the information and send the student a written notification of determination.

Should the student request further appeal, the student must inform the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs in writing within five business days that they wish to appeal. The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs will submit a written request to the Dean. The determination of the Dean is final, and there is no further appeal. Any grade grievance must be resolved no later than the succeeding term.

Academic Dismissal and Appeal

Students must meet the respective grading policy for the program in which they are enrolled all of which can be found under Program Policies on our website.

Extramural Research Funding Policy

All students are charged with knowledge of and compliance with UTHealth Houston Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOOP) Policy 168, Conduct of Research. All proposals for extramural funding related to school work must be submitted by the Center for Nursing Research (CNR) through UTHealth's Sponsored Projects Administration. Awards are made to UTHealth Houston. The CNR staff will advise students on institutional policies regarding indirect cost recovery and review of research. Generally, a minimum of one month is needed to process applications for extramural funding.


The academic calendar for each term is located on the UTHealth Houston Office of Registrar’s webpage. It includes the dates of the terms, add/drop deadlines, tuition payment deadlines, holidays, and other important deadlines.

Additional calendars are located on the “Current Student” section of the Cizik School of Nursing website

Computer Requirement and Recommendations

Students are required to have a personal laptop that meets the computer requirements posted on the Cizik School of Nursing website, to access educational materials, UTHealth Houston approved educational applications, reference material, for any off campus proctored exams and for communication with faculty, staff, and other students. It’s strongly recommended students to use Windows laptops. Tablets, Chromebooks and Apple computers are not supported and may not be compatible with software, systems or resources utilized at the school or UTHealth Houston. Use of Mac operating system laptops is also discouraged. Laptops must be equipped with a web camera, microphone and speakers. Students also need to have headphones compatible with their system. Cizik School of Nursing recommends that students purchase a laptop based upon the specifications noted above. Students might be required to purchase a privacy screen for their laptop.

Criminal Background Checks



Security screening, including criminal background, is a requirement for enrollment at the Cizik School of Nursing. Students will be screened following admission and prior to enrollment. A “HOLD” will be placed on a student’s enrollment until clearance documentation is received. Accepted applicants who do not consent to a criminal background check will be removed from the accepted student list. Cizik School of Nursing will designate the company(ies) approved to do the required screening. Screening results from any company other than the company(ies) designated will not be accepted.

Background checks should be valid for the duration of the student’s enrollment in the program if the student has not had a break in enrollment. A break in enrollment is defined as not being enrolled. A student who has had a break in enrollment for more than one semester will be required to submit another background check.

Enrolled students are required to disclose to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs any arrest(s) for and/or any criminal charges of any misdemeanor or felony offenses, and/or any misdemeanor or felony convictions and/or deferrals of adjudication (other than minor Class C traffic violations) within 5 days of occurrence. Nondisclosure or falsification of this required information may be grounds for dismissal from the Cizik School of Nursing.

Significant Findings in Criminal Background Checks

Applicants accepted for admissions who appear to have significant findings in their background check will have their case referred for review. In such circumstances, applicants shall be informed that the vendor was not involved in any decision adverse to the student, will be informed how to contact the vendor, and shall have the opportunity to challenge the accuracy or completeness of the report with the vendor in accordance with HOOP Policy 160, Criminal Background Checks.

Applicants accepted for admission who have significant findings on their background checks will be referred to the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) in order to obtain a declaratory order. The admitted student may be allowed to enroll when official documentation is received from the BON confirming eligibility to sit for the NCLEX-RN or for continuing licensure. Enrollment could be deferred for up to one year while the matter is resolved.

If the BON denies eligibility to sit for the NCLEX-RN or for continuing licensure, the accepted student will be removed from the accepted student list. A new application for admission will be considered if the BON ruling is reversed in the future.

See Cizik School of Nursing Policy S1270, Criminal Background Checks for Students.

Drug Screen



Security screening, including drug screens, is a requirement for enrollment at the Cizik School of Nursing. Students will be screened following admission and prior to enrollment. A “HOLD” will be placed on a student’s enrollment until clearance documentation is received. Accepted applicants who do not consent to a drug screening will be removed from the accepted student list. Cizik School of Nursing will designate the company(ies) approved to do the required screening. Screening results from any company other than the company(ies) designated will not be accepted.

Drug screens should be valid for the duration of the student’s enrollment in the program if the student has not had a break in enrollment. A break in enrollment is defined as not being enrolled. A student who has had a break in enrollment for more than one semester will be required to submit another drug screen.

Significant Findings in Drug Screening

Applicants accepted for admissions who appear to have positive findings on their drug screenings will not be allowed to enroll.

If a currently enrolled student has a positive drug screen, they will not be allowed to participate in the clinical component of the course at the assigned clinical agency or any other clinical agency. The student will be required to withdraw from all courses (didactic and clinical) and an enrollment hold will be placed on the student’s record.   Please refer to School policy S1270 for further information.

The student will be required to complete, at the students’ expense, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment. Subsequent enrollment in the Cizik School of Nursing is contingent on a review of the student’s proof of treatment for chemical dependency.

See Cizik School of Nursing Policy S1270, Criminal Background Checks and Drug Screening for Students.

Degree Plans

The student is responsible for knowing degree requirements and enrolling in courses that fit into their degree program. Students are also held responsible for knowing the Cizik School of Nursing’s regulations in regard to the standard of work required for continuance in the program. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the necessary paperwork (if requesting petition for equivalency credit) and to plan ahead for certain courses, as some courses are offered only once a year.

Degree Plans-Graduate and Doctorate Programs

The student and the advisor will complete a degree plan to specify which courses are to be taken to complete the degree requirements. Both student and advisor will sign the completed plan, which will then be filed in the CSON Student Affairs Office. The student is expected to follow the degree plan. Any changes must be approved by the faculty advisor. It is the student’s responsibility to submit any revision to the degree plan to the CSON Student Affairs Office after approval of the advisor.

Essential Skills for Nurses

Nurses must be able to demonstrate cognitive skills in critical thinking and logical/analytical thinking. Nurses must also have psychomotor skills, including fine motor dexterity, physical strength, coordination, and proper body mechanics. Observational skills are also required, such as the ability to hear within the normal decibel range, the ability to read English in regular to extra-fine print, and the ability to palpate/auscultate. Students must be able to demonstrate these skills, with or without reasonable accommodation. See HOOP 101, Disability Accommodation.

Eligibility to Sit for RN Licensure Exam

Students admitted to the undergraduate programs must meet requirements for licensure to be eligible to take the licensing examination after graduation. The Texas Board of Nursing determines eligibility for licensure.

Applicants and nursing students may voluntarily seek a declaratory order from the Texas Board of Nursing regarding matters affecting an individual's eligibility for licensure:

  • criminal convictions history;
  • being placed on probation or community supervision whether or not adjudicated guilty;
  • being sentenced to serve jail or prison time or granted pre-trial diversion;
  • pleading guilty, no contest, or nolo contendere to any crime in any state, territory, or country;
  • having unresolved arrests. whether or not on appeal (excluding minor Class C traffic violations);
  • having deferred adjudications or other “pretrial diversion” with or without a finding of guilt;
  • DUIs (Driving Under the Influence), DWIs (Driving While Intoxicated), and PIs (Public Intoxication);
  • mental illness; and/or
  • chemical dependency.

Students are required to confirm their eligibility for licensure before enrolling in the School's programs. Information regarding the declaratory order process may be found at the Texas Board of Nursing website. Obtaining a declaratory order or other disclosure to the Board of Nursing does not relieve an applicant or student from his/her obligation to disclose the matters listed above to the School.

Students admitted to the undergraduate program must meet legal requirements for licensure to be eligible to take the licensing examination after graduation. Applicants and nursing students may voluntarily seek a declaratory order from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) in regard to criminal convictions, mental illness, and/or chemical dependency in order to determine eligibility for licensure. Students are required to confirm their eligibility before enrolling in the program. Information regarding the declaratory order process may be found at the Texas BON website.

Foreign Transcripts

Applicants who have completed part or all of their education at schools outside the United States must submit their official transcripts for a course-by-course descriptive evaluation through the Educational Credential Evaluators, (ECE), P.O. Box 514070, Milwaukee, WI 53203 (414) 289-3400. ECE is an agency which specializes in the evaluation of foreign education credentials. The use of this professional service assures consistency and accuracy of the evaluation of educational credentials. An original copy of the evaluation must be sent directly from ECE to the UTHealth Houston Office of Registrar prior to applying.


Official commencement ceremonies are held each year in May. Graduates are not eligible to participate in commencement prior to completion of their respective program requirements. Further information on graduation and commencement can be found here.

Certification Requirements

Each student must provide the CSON Student Affairs Office with evidence of current Class “C” CPR course completion consistent with the requirements of the American Heart Association.

Inactive Status (Undergraduate)

Any student requesting inactive status must complete an “Inactive Form,” which may be found online as noted in URL above and in the CSON Student Affairs Office. The student must secure clearance from the various offices noted on that form and must return the form to the CSON Student Affairs Office. A student remaining out of the program for more than one semester must notify the CSON Student Affairs and UTHealth Houston Registrar offices in writing when she/he wishes their enrollment reactivated. A student on inactive status for two or more semesters will be considered for readmission on a case- by-case basis.

Inactive Status (Graduate Programs)

A student in good standing who desires to take one semester off may do so without penalty. A student remaining out of the program for more than one semester must notify the CSON Student Affairs Office and Registrar’s Office in writing when they wish for their file to be reactivated, and the student will be considered for readmission on an individual basis. Any student withdrawing or requesting inactive status must complete an Inactive Form, which may be found in the Student Affairs Office. This constitutes official inactivation.

Adding, Dropping and Withdrawing from Courses

Students may add, drop, and withdraw from courses with the approval of the instructor and advisor and within certain guidelines and deadlines. A student may be allowed to withdraw from the same course only twice. The policies regarding adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses may be found here.

Students should consult the Cizik School of Nursing website regarding deadline dates for adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses. Any student withdrawing from one or more courses after the add/drop period should complete this process using the Course Withdrawal System.

On the recommendation of the instructor and Department Chair and the approval of the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, a student may be required to withdraw from a course at any time because of neglect or for lack of preparation. Under such circumstances, the symbol “WF” will be recorded.

Needlestick and/or Body Fluid/Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure

UTHealth Houston Student Health and Counseling Services operates a Needlestick Hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to expedite treatment in case of needlestick or body fluid exposure. The procedure is the same regardless of the hospital or clinic at which a student is working. Students are provided a “Needlestick” sticker on the back of the student identification badge. Further information can be found here.

If students sustain a needlestick or have an accidental exposure to bloodborne pathogens: Call (713) 500-OUCH 24 hours a day.

Students should NOT go to the nearest emergency room. The student should contact the needlestick hotline at the telephone number above to receive specific instructions and information.

Most calls will be answered within 5-10 minutes. The student will be asked to give a detailed description of the incident. Lab baselines will be checked, as well as the labs on the source patient. Students will be counseled on their overall risk, and if treatment is necessary. Students will be given follow-up labs at defined intervals over the next 6 months to a year.

The costs associated with the Needlestick Hotline (laboratory work and medications) are covered by the UTHealth Student Health Services. However, if the student chooses not to follow the Needlestick Hotline procedure and see his or her own physician (private or through an emergency department, for example), the student will be personally responsible for all costs, and these will not be reimbursed by UTHealth Houston Student Health and Counseling Services, Cizik School of Nursing or UTHealth Houston.

Petitions for Equivalency Credit

Students requesting to transfer a course from another university must complete a “Petition for Equivalency Credit” form, attach the syllabus for the transfer course, and submit the request to the CSON Student Affairs Office. Also, the student must have an official transcript on file showing the course with a satisfactory grade (B or above for graduate students and C or above for undergraduates). Courses cannot be transferred if older than seven years (PhD), five years (MSN or DNP) or three years (BSN). Undergraduate courses must be at least a junior or senior level course to be considered for equivalency.


Plagiarism is using another person’s work or ideas without giving credit. Plagiarism is dishonest because it misrepresents the work of another as your own. This includes both copying the work verbatim or re-phrasing the ideas of another without properly acknowledging the source. When preparing work for course requirements, such as papers, care plans, take home examinations, etc., students should take care to differentiate between their ideas and language and information derived from other sources. Sources include, but are not limited to, published and unpublished materials, the Internet, and information and opinions gained directly from other people, including faculty or other students. Whenever ideas or facts are obtained from a student’s reading and research, the sources must be properly cited according to standards set by Cizik School of Nursing and contained in the current edition of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Plagiarism is considered a violation of academic integrity and professional honesty. Students who are found to have plagiarized shall be subject to disciplinary action. Penalties may include, but are not limited to failure on the assignment, failure in the course, suspension from the program, or dismissal from the School. Collaboration in the completion of written assignments is prohibited unless explicitly permitted by the instructor in the written course syllabus. Students must acknowledge any collaboration and its extent in all submitted course work.

TurnItIn is a software tool offered on Canvas. It can be used to check the originality of a written assignment against a database of journal articles, other copyrighted text, and papers submitted by other students worldwide. TurnItIn is one tool among many that can be used to help students learn about proper attribution of written work; however, students have the final responsibility for work that is submitted.


UTHealth Houston Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOOP)

Students are responsible for knowledge of and compliance with all applicable University policies as set forth in the UTHealth Houston Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOOP). The University policy on student conduct and discipline is contained in HOOP Policy 186, Student Conduct and Discipline. A reference copy of this HOOP Policy is available in the CSON Office of Student Affairs.

For information regarding student academic and conduct issues, contact: Dr. Elda Ramirez, Assistant Dean, Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives and Community Engagement  

Cizik School of Nursing
6901 Bertner, Room 697
Houston, Texas 77030

Cizik School of Nursing School and Program Policies

School Policies can be found here. These policies are applicable to all students, regardless of the program in which they are enrolled.

Program Policies

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program Policies can be found here. These policies are applicable to all undergraduate students.
Master of Science in Nursing Policies can be found here. These policies are applicable to all students enrolled in the MSN program.
PhD Program Policies can be found here. These policies are applicable to all students enrolled in the PhD program.
DNP Program Policies can be found here. These policies are applicable to all students enrolled in the DNP program, post-Graduate programs, and non-degree seeking students.
BSN-DNP Nurse Anesthesia Program Policies can be found here. These policies are applicable to all students enrolled in the BSN-DNP program.


Throughout program and related activities, students are responsible for knowledge of and compliance with standards of professional behavior. Failure to maintain professional behavior standards may be grounds for academic action, including lowering of a course grade (including a failing grade), regardless of a student’s performance with regards to other course academic standards, probation, or dismissal from the Cizik School of Nursing.


Cizik School of Nursing Scholarship Committee encourages all new students to complete a scholarship application form. Scholarship information can be found here.

Student Accountability

Students are held accountable for knowledge of degree requirements and enrolling for courses that fit into their degree program. Students are also held responsible for knowledge of the Cizik School of Nursing’s regulations in regard to the standard of work required for continuance in the undergraduate and graduate programs. It is the responsibility of the student to read, keep abreast and adhere to the most current University and Cizik School of Nursing policies. For in-depth details of UTHealth Houston policies and governance, see the UTHealth Houston HOOP. See the academic affairs website for more information here

Student Conduct and Discipline

Students are specifically charged with responsibility for knowledge of and compliance with regulations concerning student conduct and discipline as set forth in the HOOP Policy, 186 Student Conduct and Discipline.

Students with Disabilities and Attendance Requirements

UTHealth Houston is committed to providing reasonable accommodation to all members of the University community and to individuals who access services or programs of the University who have or had an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. Reasonable accommodation may be provided to an individual with a disability to enable the individual to participate in University academic programs, services, and activities, so long as it does not create undue hardship or fundamentally alter the essential elements of a program or position. 

Students seeking disability-related accommodation must contact University Relations & Equal Opportunity (UREO) to initiate the accommodation process. Accommodation requests are considered on a case-by-case basis considering the student's individual limitations, accommodation needs, and the operational realities of the university. If the requestor is determined to be a qualified individual, the requestor, the designated Section 504 Coordinator and applicable faculty will engage in an interactive process facilitated by UREO to determine if it is possible to grant reasonable accommodation.

Accommodations are not retroactive, and require advance notice to implement. To allow adequate time to evaluate the required documentation, engage in the interactive process, and make arrangements for any accommodation to be provided, requestors are strongly urged to contact UREO as soon as possible.

The school is not required to grant accommodations that constitute a fundamental alteration of the program or course.  Specifically, the school does not have to modify a requirement, including attendance, that is essential to the educational purpose or objective of a program or class. Decisions regarding essential requirements of a course or program will be made by a group of people who are trained, knowledgeable, and experienced in the area through a careful, thoughtful, and rational review of the academic program and its requirements. Decision-makers will consider a series of alternatives for the essential requirements, as well as whether the essential requirement(s) in question can be modified for a specific student with a disability.

For additional information on the disability accommodation process, please see HOOP Policy 101, Disability and Pregnancy Accommodation.

A list of UTHealth Houston 504 Coordinator’s by school can be found here.

Texas Success Initiative - TSI (Formerly TASP)

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI), formerly TASP, is a state-mandated program that is designed to improve student success and outcomes in college. Any student seeking to enroll in an UTHealth Houston undergraduate program must provide proof of successful completion of the Texas Success Initiative prior to being enrolled. Further information on specific testing requirements, testing exemptions, and college readiness can be found here.

Time Limits to Complete Your Program of Study

Requirements for a single undergraduate degree must be completed within three years.
Requirements for a single post-graduate completion certificate must be completed within three years.
Requirements for a single MSN degree must be completed within five years.
Requirements for a single PHD degree must be completed within ten years.
Requirements for a single DNP degree must be completed within five years.
Requirements for a single BSN-DNP Nurse Anesthesia degree must be completed within five years.

An extension may be granted if a written petition submitted by the student to the appropriate Council is approved.

Transfer of Credit from another School of Nursing

Individuals who transfer into the School’s BSN program from another nursing school must have completed the 60 hours of required prerequisite courses and meet the criteria for admission. Syllabi from all prior nursing courses must be submitted in order for those courses to be considered for transfer credit. All nursing courses to be transferred must be junior or senior level undergraduate courses.

Applicants who have completed the prescribed Field of Study in Nursing (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, 2016) will be considered for admission to the RN-BSN program. Applicants not in good academic or financial standing and therefore not entitled to continue at another institution will not be admitted as transfers to the Cizik School of Nursing.

Transient Students

The transient student category is designated for students enrolled in good academic standing at another nursing program who wish to enroll in selected courses at the Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston. Permission must be obtained from the Baccalaureate Council. Transient student status may be obtained by providing a completed application, written consent of the Dean at the parent institution, and written consent of the instructor of the course at the Cizik School of Nursing.