Programs of Study

Post-Graduate Completion Programs

Degree Plans

The student is responsible for knowing degree requirements and enrolling in courses that fit into her/his degree program. Students are also held responsible for knowing the Cizik School of Nursing’s regulations in regard to the standard of work required for continuance in the program. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the necessary paperwork (if requesting petition for equivalency credit) and to plan ahead for certain courses, as some courses are offered only once a year.

Degree Plans-Graduate and Doctorate Programs

The student and the advisor will complete a degree plan to specify which courses are to be taken to complete the degree requirements. Both student and advisor will sign the completed plan, which will then be filed in the CSON Student Affairs Office. The student is expected to follow the degree plan. Any changes must be approved by the faculty advisor. It is the student’s responsibility to submit any revision to the degree plan to the CSON Student Affairs Office after approval of the advisor.