Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are subject to change and become effective on the date enacted. The Texas Legislature does not set the specific amount for any particular student fee. Student fees are authorized by state statute; the specific fee amounts and the determination to increase fees are made by the university administration and The University of Texas System Board of Regents.

Required Fees 

Information regarding fees that are assessed to all students across all UTHealth Houston schools can be found on the Office of Bursar website under Required Fees, see All UTHealth Schools. Required fees that apply to School of Public Health students are all listed under Required Fees, see SPH

  • Computer Resource Fee: $62/semester
  • Course Fees:
  • Evacuation/Repatriation Insurance (assessed to international students who do not elect to carry the student Health Insurance Policy, annual cost $96):
    • Fall: $32
    • Spring: $40
    • Summer: 24
  • Graduation Fee*: $150
  • SPH Library and Writing Services Fee: $60/semester
  • Liability Insurance: 
    • Fall Semester: $5.25
    • Spring Semester: $5.25
    • Summer Semester: $4.00
  • Portfolio Fee: $50
  • Program Fee: Dietetic Internship (Spring) (PH 9997, section 800 & 850): $3,500 each section
  • Program Fee: Archer Fellowship Program (Summer): $3,900
  • Student Orientation Fee (assessed upon matriculation): $50
  • Seat Deposit: $200
  • Technology Resource Fee: $200/semester

*A graduation fee of $150 payable at registration for the final academic term is required of all students.

Health insurance is required of all UTHealth Houston students. If students have a health insurance policy, they may provide proof of comparable insurance to Auxiliary Enterprises no later than the 12th class to have this charge waived. Information regarding student health insurance can be found at the Auxiliary Enterprise website.

The current Tuition and Fee Schedules for UTHealth Houston can be found on the Bursar's Office Student Resource Hub website