
The School of Public Health offers the following minor areas of study.

Minor in Behavioral Sciences

The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) in behavioral sciences. Students are required to select at least one course from the Theory category and one course from the Methods category:

Theory Courses
Advanced Methods for Planning and Implementing Health Promotion Programs (Intervention Mapping)
Health Promotion Theories for Individuals and Groups: Part I
Community Health Promotion Theory and Practice
Health Promotion Theories for Individuals and Groups: Part II
Methods Courses
Qualitative Methods
Qualitative Analysis
Program Evaluation
Advanced Quantitative Analysis for Behavioral Sciences
Social Networks and Health
Applied Methods for Longitudinal and Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) Data
Applied Discrete Data Analysis using Stata
Applied Measurement Theory
Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis
Quantitative Research Design for Behavioral Sciences
Quantitative Analysis for Behavioral Sciences
Tools and Methods for Systematic Review

Minor in Biostatistics

The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) in biostatistics. Students are required to complete the following courses.

Master's Students
Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health
Intermediate Biostatistics
At least one Biostatistics elective above PH 1700L. 1
Doctoral Students
Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health 2
Intermediate Biostatistics
Two Biostatistics electives above PH 1700L. 1

PH 1820L Applied Linear Regression is strongly recommended as an elective for all students.


PHM 1690L Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health is a prerequisite to PH 1700L Intermediate Biostatistics but may be waived depending on the student's background.

Minor in Epidemiology

The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) in epidemiology. Students are required to complete the following courses.

Masters Students
Epidemiology I
Select 6 credits of epidemiology electives
Doctoral Students
Epidemiology II
Epidemiology III
Select 3 credits of epidemiology electives

Minor in Environmental Sciences

The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) in environmental sciences. Students are required to complete the following courses.

Masters Students
Public Health Ecology & the Human Environment
Select 6 credits of environmental health electives 1

PH 2175L Toxicology I: Principles of Toxicology is recommended as an elective.

Doctoral Students 1
Risk Analysis: Principles and Practice
Select one of the following:
Introduction to Doctoral Research Methods in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Applied Epidemiological Analysis
Occupational Epidemiology
Select 3 credits of environmental health electives

PHM courses do not count toward a doctoral minor.

Minor in Health Economics

The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) in health economics. Students are required to complete the following courses.

Select 9 credits of the following:
Health Economics
Decision Analysis in Public Health and Medicine
Economic and Social Determinants of Health
Econometrics in Public Health
Advanced Econometrics
Advanced Health Economics

Minor in Health Policy

The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) in health policy. Students are required to complete the following courses.

Select 9 credits of the following:
Healthcare Payment Systems and Policy
Legal Issues in Healthcare
Health Policy in The United States
Comparative Health Systems
Health Policy Analysis
Texas Health Policy: Emerging Issues and New Approaches
Ethics and Policy

Minor in Health Services Research 

The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) in health services research. Students are required to complete the following courses.

Select 9 credits from the following:
Decision Analysis in Public Health and Medicine
Health Service Delivery and Performance
Health Survey Research Design
Econometrics in Public Health
Health Care Outcomes and Quality Research
Adv Hlth Services Research Methods

Minor in Healthcare Management

The department offers a minor course of study (nine (9) semester credit hours) in healthcare management. Students are required to complete the following courses.

Master's Students
Accounting for Healthcare Management
Healthcare Finance
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management in Health Services Organizations
Evaluation & Improvement of Healthcare Quality
Healthcare Strategic Management
Healthcare Operations Management
Doctoral Students
Organizational and Management Theory
Quality Management Improvement in Healthcare Doctoral
Strategy, Governance and Leadership